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Feb 1, 2009

Paleo-Cinema Podcast 25 - The Eurospy Agenda

This time around, I take a look at Eurospy movies - European espionage movies from the 1960s which range from absurd comedies to dark and deadly thrillers, so put on your tux, mix martinis, load your Walther PPK and enjoy!

Wikipedia Page On Googie Architecture

A Link To A Gallery Of Eurospy Movie posters on David J. Deal's site

Lots of Youtube Eurospy Clips... should keep you going for hours

Direct Download Link (Right Click And Save)

RSS Subscription Link

Mission Bloody Mary Trailer (1965)

Deadlier Than The Male film clip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Monica Vitti was the perfect Modesty Blaize, but I thought it a pity that powers that be didn't quite let her be that. It's just for one shot they show they could have but chose not to. Rather strange.

"Deadlier than the Male" is a film I like in parts, but it reminds me I have a contemporary prejudice and I too often forget how original some of these films are at the time.