Okay, in this podcast we have the ur-global warming movie The Day The Earth Caught Fire, directed by Val Guest and starring Edward Judd, Leo McKern and Janet Munro, the fifth person in my alt.Magnificent Seven, the movie that inspired a cosmological theory - the 1945 Ealing horror movie Dead of Night and talk about a place where you can get enough free movie and tv series downloads to last you a lifetime.
Link to an article in The Guardian about the links between the Steady State Theory and Dead of Night.
Internet Archive Links
The Archive.Org Archive of The Adventures of Robin Hood.
The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari
DOA (1949)
Panic In The Streets (1950)
The Day The Earth Caught Fire - trailer
Here's a link to watch all of "Dead of Night" on youtube
Download link
The RSS Feed Link
Thanks to Cerpts, Weaverman and Nicky for their feedback and help, and as always, thanks to Sal for her constant support.
1 comment:
Thanks for the special thanks. This was another fantastic podcast (you must get tired of hearing me say that. . .well, maybe not!). I do look forward to each and every new installment and this was no exception. THE DAY THE EARTH CAUGHT FIRE was a film I saw many many eons ago and don't remember anything about it other than I didn't like it that much at the time. However, I'm going to take another look at it soon because other films I had the same reaction to found me changing my opinion years later.
Of course, the same cannot be said for the wonderful DEAD OF NIGHT: one of my favourite ghost films. While I know there were a few omnibus/portmanteau/or whatever you wanna call these type of multi-story movies back in the silent days, I do believe you're right about this being the first one in talkies. Redgrave is indeed wonderous in his performance and I've always been in a bit of a disagreement with myself as to whether the ventriloquist or the mirror story is my favourite. The haunted mirror section is probably the strongest influence on all those Amicus anthologies in that it features a haunted object. Countless examples in Amicus films must have been inspired by this: a like "haunted mirror" controls David Warner in "FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE" (my nominee for the BEST of the Amicus lot) and there's Jon Pertwee's haunted cape in THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD or the "Monkey's Paw"-like statuette in TALES FROM THE CRYPT to name a few. In fact, the whole premise of FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE hangs on haunted or cursed objects sold by Peter Cushing in his diabolical antiques store. I also loved the ornate, carved wooden door which bedevils Ian Ogilvy in the final story of FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE as it leads him into a long-vanished haunted "blue room" which takes the place of his stationary cupboard. I have a much greater love for these admittedly sometimes cheesy Amicus flicks than our mutual friend Weaverman -- just don't let the creators of that little town of Royston Vasey hear about it because they also LOVE those Amicus flicks!!!
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