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Nov 18, 2007

Paleocinema Podcast #4 - Spy Movies Sans Bond

Podcast 4 is up and running.

In this podcast I look at the history of spy films, apart from James Bond, going back to the origins of the genre, revealing the longest running spy movie series of all time and dissing not only “Get Smart” but Austin Powers as well.

Extra music and sounds from and Soundsnap.
Download the file at this link.

Or play with the embedded player

Nov 12, 2007

Fleapit Of The Mind

Weaverman's blog, Fleapit Of The Mind is the first of the Paleo-Cinema recommended blogs. Everything from John Boorman's classic Point Blank to Turkish Dracula movies get a good going over. Check it out!

Nov 9, 2007

Thief Of Bagdad (1924) Available Online

Hi guys

The 1924 Thief of Bagdad (which I have yet to watch) is available from Archive Dot Org at the following link voila!. Enjoy!